Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

CSR Philosophy

For Chemcon Speciality Chemicals Ltd. (CSCL), making a positive impact on communities and society has been an integral component of both its vision and goal from the very beginning. This goes beyond just CSR. Among key areas of activity under CSR, CSCL has highlighted health, education, and rural community development. By a large contribution to hospitals, it has started its journey towards providing medical assistance to those in need and education to children in rural areas. It has also been providing various forms of help to Covid affected individuals for the past year or two.

Since its inception, CSCL has been making attempts to improve society. And it has partnered with a number of non-governmental organisations to aid the underprivileged. According to the 2013 Companies Act’s rules, the company offers precedence to the neighbourhood and places nearby where it operates.

Our Key CSR Initiatives

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